With much trial and tribulation, working and re-working my organic eggs PSA, I think I have finally come to a definite END to this project! I'm posting it below, good or bad, it is done. I'm turing it in tomorrow and am glad of it. Feel free to still give me your comments, but it is what it is. Not making changes now. Thanks for everyone's input--I've appreciated all of your support and interest in my projects, especially this one. Thanks again and please take a look and don't forget to leave your comments below before you leave!
FINAL Version: no matter what! ;)
With an abundance of eliminations of some pretty good ideas (I must admit), I've finally reached the end of my 'Organic Eggs' PSA journey for my Intro to Graphic Design class. My instructor was gracious enough to allow me to 'tidy things up a bit' over spring break (thanks so much) and without his help I would have not been able to narrow it down as well as it is.
The theme, by now I'm sure you've guessed, is 'Farm-fresh, Organic Eggs.' My 11x17 Public Service Ad (PSA) is designed simply to allow the consumer to consider a healthier alternative of purchasing organic, farm-fresh eggs over the typical supermarket brands. Although my ad does not go into great detail explaining why, it is direct and to the point in hopes that the consumer is interested enough to do their own research. Research in hopes that they will find reasons why they should choose organic and farm-fresh produced eggs from 'free-range or cage-free chickens' which are organically fed and drug-free, rather than commercially grown, mass produced farm chickens; which are typically what we purchase in our local grocers.
The inspiration for my ad came from an article in an old July 1954 issue of
'Better Homes and Gardens' magazine entitled
'What You Should Know About Eggs,' pg. 97. Even back almost 60 years ago people began to understand the importance of eating healthier. My creative inspirations came from not only this article (and artwork in general found in various magazine articles throughout 1954
'Better Homes and Gardens' issues), but also from incredible nostalgic poster art found on
allposters.com entitled 'Barnyard Poultry Farm Eggs' 400x400dpi and
'Healthy Poultry Fresh Eggs' 400x400dpi. Other inspiration came from an article found on
motherearthnews.com entitled 'Meet Real Free-Range Eggs.' The photograph taken of the eggs, both food art and the word
'eggs' written in egg yolk is by yours truly.
As always, I welcome your comments, criticisms or praise! Please let me know your thoughts, whatever your opinion, please give it to me honestly. This is how I grow creatively. YOU are the typical consumer, so who should know better than YOU if this ad would actually work in the real world?
Thanks again for the feedback and please keep checking in often. Updates are made at least weekly and I'm always open to suggestions.
Thanks for stopping by!